Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Program

Do you know an adult who has been thinking about becoming a Catholic…
someone who needs BAPTISM or PENANCE or FIRST HOLY COMMUNION or CONFIRMATION? Invite them to partake in St. Joseph’s RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) process.

The RCIA process is a learning experience where one is instructed in the Catholic faith by the priest and fellow parishioners. It is a very ancient part of the church, where the community of believers in the Catholic faith welcomes in and initiates new believers into the faith.

So… welcome someone into the Church by inviting them to partake in the RCIA process here at St Joseph’s. Invite them to talk with me –
Fr. Luis (279-6553) about becoming Catholic.

Remember that RCIA is a community of believers welcoming new people into the faith. So we need all you members of the faith community to help.

This is a PARISH event! YOU can help by talking to Fr. Luis about becoming a sponsor; walking with someone on their faith journey; or encouraging someone to come forward to prepare to receive his or her sacraments.

The Lord moves in many ways – and often times He uses ordinary people like you and me to do his work.

Please pray for the RCIA process. Pray about what role you may be able to do in welcoming new people into the community of faith.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is available to those individuals who: